APP_ENV=production # Set to true if debugging APP_DEBUG=false # 32-character key (e.g 3EWBLwxTfh%*f&xRBqdGEIUVvn4%$Hfi) APP_KEY="{{{$APP_KEY}}}" # Your app's name (shown on interface) APP_NAME="{{$APP_NAME}}" # Protocol to access your app. e.g https:// APP_PROTOCOL="{{$APP_PROTOCOL}}" # Your app's external address (e.g APP_ADDRESS="{{$APP_ADDRESS}}" # Your app's bootstrap stylesheet # e.g APP_STYLESHEET="{{$APP_STYLESHEET}}" # Set to today's date (e.g November 3, 2015) POLR_GENERATED_AT="{{$POLR_GENERATED_AT}}" # Set to true after running setup script # e.g true POLR_SETUP_RAN={{$POLR_SETUP_RAN}} # Steps for obtaining a Maxmind License Key: MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY="{{$MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY}}" DB_CONNECTION=mysql # Set to your DB host (e.g localhost) DB_HOST="{{{$DB_HOST}}}" # DB port (e.g 3306) DB_PORT={{$DB_PORT}} # Set to your DB name (e.g polr) DB_DATABASE="{{{$DB_DATABASE}}}" # DB credentials # e.g root DB_USERNAME="{{{$DB_USERNAME}}}" DB_PASSWORD="{{{$DB_PASSWORD}}}" # Polr Settings # Set to true to show an interface to logged off users # If false, set the SETTING_INDEX_REDIRECT # You may login by heading to /login if the public interface is off SETTING_PUBLIC_INTERFACE={{$ST_PUBLIC_INTERFACE}} # Set to true to allow signups, false to disable (e.g true/false) POLR_ALLOW_ACCT_CREATION={{$POLR_ALLOW_ACCT_CREATION}} # Set to true to require activation by email (e.g true/false) POLR_ACCT_ACTIVATION={{$POLR_ACCT_ACTIVATION}} # Set to true to require reCAPTCHAs on sign up pages # If this setting is enabled, you must also provide your reCAPTCHA keys # in POLR_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and POLR_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY POLR_ACCT_CREATION_RECAPTCHA={{$POLR_ACCT_CREATION_RECAPTCHA}} # Set to true to require users to be logged in before shortening URLs SETTING_SHORTEN_PERMISSION={{$ST_SHORTEN_PERMISSION}} # You must set SETTING_INDEX_REDIRECT if SETTING_PUBLIC_INTERFACE is false # Polr will redirect logged off users to this URL SETTING_INDEX_REDIRECT={{$ST_INDEX_REDIRECT}} # Set to true if you wish to redirect 404s to SETTING_INDEX_REDIRECT # Otherwise, an error message will be shown SETTING_REDIRECT_404={{$ST_REDIRECT_404}} # Set to true to enable password recovery SETTING_PASSWORD_RECOV={{$ST_PASSWORD_RECOV}} # Set to true to generate API keys for each user on registration SETTING_AUTO_API={{$ST_AUTO_API}} # Set to true to allow anonymous API access SETTING_ANON_API={{$ST_ANON_API}} # Set the anonymous API quota per IP SETTING_ANON_API_QUOTA={{$ST_ANON_API_QUOTA}} # Set to true to use pseudorandom strings rather than using a counter by default SETTING_PSEUDORANDOM_ENDING={{$ST_PSEUDOR_ENDING}} # Set to true to record advanced analytics SETTING_ADV_ANALYTICS={{$ST_ADV_ANALYTICS}} # Set to true to restrict registration to a specific email domain SETTING_RESTRICT_EMAIL_DOMAIN={{$ST_RESTRICT_EMAIL_DOMAIN}} # A comma-separated list of permitted email domains SETTING_ALLOWED_EMAIL_DOMAINS="{{$ST_ALLOWED_EMAIL_DOMAINS}}" # reCAPTCHA site key POLR_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY="{{$POLR_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY}}" # reCAPTCHA secret key POLR_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY="{{$POLR_RECAPTCHA_SECRET}}" # Set each to blank to disable mail @if($MAIL_ENABLED) MAIL_DRIVER=smtp # e.g MAIL_HOST="{{$MAIL_HOST}}" # e.g 2525 MAIL_PORT="{{$MAIL_PORT}}" MAIL_USERNAME="{{$MAIL_USERNAME}}" MAIL_PASSWORD="{{{$MAIL_PASSWORD}}}" # e.g MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS="{{$MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS}}" MAIL_FROM_NAME="{{$MAIL_FROM_NAME}}" @endif APP_LOCALE=en APP_FALLBACK_LOCALE=en CACHE_DRIVER=file SESSION_DRIVER=file QUEUE_DRIVER=database _API_KEY_LENGTH=15 _ANALYTICS_MAX_DAYS_DIFF=365 _PSEUDO_RANDOM_KEY_LENGTH=5 # FILESYSTEM_DRIVER=local # FILESYSTEM_CLOUD=s3 # S3_KEY=null # S3_SECRET=null # S3_REGION=null # S3_BUCKET=null # RACKSPACE_USERNAME=null # RACKSPACE_KEY=null # RACKSPACE_CONTAINER=null # RACKSPACE_REGION=null # Set to 32 or 62 -- do not touch after initial configuration POLR_BASE={{$ST_BASE}} # Do not touch POLR_RELDATE="{{env('VERSION_RELMONTH')}} {{env('VERSION_RELDAY')}}, {{env('VERSION_RELYEAR')}}" POLR_VERSION="{{env('VERSION')}}" POLR_SECRET_BYTES=2 TMP_SETUP_AUTH_KEY="{{$TMP_SETUP_AUTH_KEY}}"